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How will I know if I have to declare a medical condition?

When applying for cover, you will be asked a number of questions about your medical history. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, you will be considered to have a pre-existing medical condition that we would want to know about before we agree cover. If you have more than one condition, you must tell us about all of the conditions that would make you answer “yes” to the question about your medical history.


These questions are as follows:


  1. Have you been prescribed medication in the last 2 years whether you are taking it or not? This includes tablets (including Morphine based pain killers), inhalers or injections.
  2. Do you currently routinely visit a GP, hospital or clinic for check-ups/consultations or treatments? This includes annual reviews or reviews once every 2 years for a condition.
  3. Are you visited by a doctor or nurse, or carer for check-ups or treatment (including dressings being changed)?
  4. Have you been admitted into hospital or undergone surgery in the last 2 years.
  5. Have you received treatment for heart, stroke, or respiratory related illness in the last 5 years?
  6. Are you currently waiting for any results of tests/investigations or awaiting any consultations or referrals or on any waiting lists?


This does not apply if you would answer “yes” to these questions because of the following:

  • Coughs, colds, Influenza (flu) where you have not required any treatment for any complications, such as pneumonia, and have not required any hospital admission.
  • COVID-19 if you have not required hospital admission.